Monday, September 15, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We've been in AZ for a year now and just moved into a larger home. We are still in Fountain Hills and since many of you saw our old house, but haven't planned any upcoming visits, I thought I would show you our new home. Our new home is in a gated golf community (yes, you golfers, we do get discounted golf!) and has a great view of what we call mountains and the city. We're lucky enough that all the kids each have their own room and Dave and I also have our own office (that doesn't makeshift into another room). It was hard to figure out that I would get the office overlooking the pool, while Dave gets to look out his office window at the mountains. The best part of the house is the yard. We have a beautiful salt water pool with a fountain, a fire pit, built in bbq and a nice lounge sitting area all overlooking the #1 Hole. Also, kudos to Dave for organizing all my stuff in the garage and elsewhere (and it's no secret I have ALOT of it). Our house amazingly enough looks uncluttered....well until you get to my closet. Babysteps....

The house is open and spacious and great for entertaining. I'm currently recruiting for Thanksgiving if there are any takers. This is a standing invite to all friends and family- come whenever you can. You know me, Dave and I would love the company!!!

Girls Gone Wild...

Well not so much on the wild part, but I did have the chance to entertain three of my friends in our new AZ home over the weekend. Aimie Mattinson, who is my friend and former roommate (post college) and Lisa Seethaler who I've known for years flew down from SLC and stayed with Dave and I for the weekend. Tawnie who lives in AZ, also spent the weekend at my house and we celebrated her birthday. It was a good time for me to get my entertaining and hosting fix in which I've been desperately missing since I moved to AZ. The weekend was filled with what you'd expect with a bunch of girls- shopping and more shopping, eating and checking out some of the hip places I've discovered in Scottsdale (Sapporo and Giesha Go Go are two of my favs), some pool time and chick flicks! Dave was a trooper with a house full of estrogen, but let us do our own thing...which earned him "what a great husband" kudos from my friends!

Girls, thanks for making my weekend and coming to visit me...It's times like these that I really do feel so lucky to have so many awesome friends. Note to all of those friends reading this: You are always invited to come down and visit!!!